SILJA LINE - En båtresa från Stockholm till Helsingfors


Kučera, Paola (2008): SILJA LINE - En båtresa från Stockholm till Helsingfors. In: “EXPLICS - Exploiting Internet Case Stuy and Simulation Template for Language Teaching and Learning”. URL: http://www.zess.uni-goettingen/explics

© Copyright by EXPLICS and Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen



The following have been involved in authoring, design and development of this case study:

EXPLICS partner Institution Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Wilhelmstr. 7, 72074 Tübingen, Germany
Author Paolo Kučera, Fachsprachenzentrum
Webdesign Julia Reuß
Pictures Courtesy of Tallink Silja GmbH, Lübeck/Hamburg 
Sources Sundberg-Holmberg, L., Hellström, G., 2000. Bra början 1. (Grundbok, Övningsbok). Stockholm: Bonniers.
Sundberg-Holmberg, L., Hellström, G., 2000. Bra början 2. (Grundbok, Övningsbok). Stockholm: Bonniers.


SILJA LINE has been developed by the EXPLICS project. EXPLICS is supported by the European community in the framework of the Lingua/SOCRATES programme. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on the part of the European Community.

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